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For field updates

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We Need Your Support!

We have completed a project to decrease dental cavities in children in the communities of Carmen Soledad and Puerto Motor in Beni, Bolivia.

Please consider a donation of $ 100 or more to expand our work to the communities of Oromomo, Areruta, Ushve and Asunta part of the TIPNIS, Beni, Bolivia

Every child in these communities has at least one cavity and most have already had multiple tooth extractions! It is urgent! YOU can make difference! The TIPNIS is a protected area and is one of Bolivia's most biologically diverse areas. It is home to the Moxeño, T'imane, and Yurakaré indigenous hunter-gatherer groups. The T'imanes we visited live in isolation on the banks of the Sérure river. This region is only accessible by bush planes and canoes with small engines. Medical and dental services are limited because of the difficult access, limited economic resources and language and cultural barriers (most of them speak only T'imane). Our upcoming project includes hands-on, culturally appropriate teaching in their native language and at their educational level. Topics covered will include avoiding sugar, brushing teeth and using fluoridated toothpaste. This program applies the principles described by David Neal and colleagues in their article the Science of Habit1 by using habits and nudges to develop long lasting behavioral changes. Self-efficacy will be increased. In addition, we will have with us dentists who can fill cavities and, if needed, extract teeth. Follow-ups with retraining are important for long term behavioral change and will be part of the project. 1. Neal D, Jelena, Hernandez O, Wood W. The Science of Habit CREATING DISRUPTIVE and STICKY BEHAVIOR CHANGE in HANDWASHING BEHAVIOR.; 2015.


We aim to make a lasting impact in the communities we serve and beyond. Our initiatives and activities are designed to catalyze true transformation. But above all, passion is at the heart and soul of everything that we do.

Secure Rive, TIPNIS, Beni, Bolivia

3 de Noviember Hospital, San Ignacio de Moxos

Street in San Ignacio de Moxos

Indigenous homes in Beni, Bolivia

Chimane children in Asunata, TIPNIS

Alliance for Good Health

Working Toward a Brighter Future

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